A lush GREEN AREA for a small FLOCK OF SHEEP grows under our large PV-SYSTEM.Our largest PV-system supplies 750kWp.Due to the ORIENTATION to the east, south and west, we produce electricity here from SUNRISE to SUNSET.A 15m³ buffer tank stores the waste heat from the production processes......and releases it if necessary.For our electricity self-sufficiency of 50% we need battery storage.380 kWh are buffered by these two power stations.Our trainees build several 5-star-accommodations for insects and small animals.E-mobility is our driving force.From the first I3 in Thuringia in 2013 to the new Tesla models.Internal transport to the warehouse is of course carried out electrically.Here we trainees can live during the training period.This is the latest PV-system with a total output of 85kWp.In total, we generate up to 0.9 megawatts of electricity with our 5 plants.Filing, drilling, – turning we trainees spend the first two years of apprenticeship here in the training center.Technical lessons and exam preparations - our Instructors make us fit.We do not leave the recruitment of young professionals to chance.Our youth enterprise workshop offers young people opportunities, to try themselves out.The locations of our company are located in and around Königsee.Production, logistics and the training center are within a radius of only 5km.About 35.600 shipments leave our warehouse in Königsee every year.This system delivers 31kWp at the training centre in Unterschöbling.Our Team uses a modern machinery, to make things that make life easier.Starting from the third year of our apprenticeship, we become trainees at the main plant. A final grade of 1 or 2 guarantees our employment.Each Implant is meticulously inspected.By the way, our Implants are also available for veterinary medicine.Individual markings enable complete traceability.Our implants receive perfect surfaces through final galvanization.